Creating CLI commands

Librarian is built on top of Minicli, a minimalist command-line framework in PHP.

You can create custom command-line commands to manage your application, import data, or perform regular scheduled tasks (schedule is possible via Crontab). These should be created within the app/Command directory.

The included librarian executable loads an example command that you can use as reference to build your own commands.

About Minicli

Minicli uses a 2-level command structure, with Namespaces and Controllers.

The example command demonstrates how commands are organized within Minicli apps:

└── Example
    └── DefaultController.php

This structure defines a command namespace called Example with a single entry point command:

./librarian example

This is what the example DefaultController looks like:


namespace App\Command\Example;

use Minicli\Command\CommandController;

class DefaultController extends CommandController
    public function handle(): void
        $this->getPrinter()->info("This is the example command.");
        $this->getPrinter()->info("You can use it as a sandbox or base to build your own custom CLI commands.");

The DefaultController is the default command called when no subcommand is specified. To create additional subcommands, you need to follow the name convention SubcommandController and extend from the CommandController class.

For instance, let's say you want to create the example demo command. You'd need to create a class named DemoController inside Example.

For more information on how to create commands, please refer to the Minicli documentation on how to create commands.

Built with Librarian by @erikaheidi.

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