
Librarian CLI

Librarian comes with a CLI helper that you can use to create new content, manipulate cache, and build the static version of your site.

Type ./librarian help to get a complete list of available commands:

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Type "./librarian help" for help with available commands.

Namespace  Command                      
           ./librarian example
           ./librarian help
           ./librarian create content
           ./librarian create
           ./librarian cache clear
           ./librarian cache
           ./librarian cache refresh
           ./librarian build

The example command is a demo command included within the Librarian application template, located at the app/Command directory. The built-in help, create, cache, and build commands are implemented as separate packages living in their own repositories.

You can write your own commands in the app/Command directory. Check the creating CLI commands section for more information on how to do that.

Commands Reference


Creates new content based on pre-defined Stencil templates. Defaults to post content type.

./librarian create content [contentType]


Used to clear or refresh the cache used by the development server.

Clearing the cache

./librarian cache clear

Refreshing the cache (clears and warms up)

./librarian cache refresh


Used to output a static build of your website. By default, it saves files in the /public directory.

./librarian build

Built with Librarian by @erikaheidi.

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