
Using Markdown

Here you can find a quick reference for the most commonly used Markdown tags and how they are rendered within Librarian views.


# H1 Header
## H2 Header
### H3 Header

Text Formatting

Style Code Example
Italic *text* text
Bold **text** text
Combined *testing **bold** now* testing bold now
Strikethrough ~~text~~ text


[link description](link-URL)


![image caption](image-path-or-URL)


Unordered lists:

- unordered list item 1
  - second level
    - third level
- unordered list item 2
- unordered list item 3
- unordered list item 4


  • unordered list item 1
    • second level
      • third level
  • unordered list item 2
  • unordered list item 3
  • unordered list item 4

Ordered (numbered) lists:

1. ordered list item 1
2. second level
5. numbers are rendered in order, doesn't matter how you index the items


  1. ordered list item 1
  2. second level
  3. numbers are rendered in order, doesn't matter how you index the items

Formatting Code

You can use code blocks or inline code tags to better render code with Librarian. Syntax highlighting is supported via Prism.

Code Blocks

Code blocks start and finish with three backticks (```) and support multiple languages, for instance consider a block such as:


class Test
  public $property = "value";
  function __construct($var)
    $this->property = $var;


Will render like this:


class Test
  public $property = "value";
  function __construct($var)
    $this->property = $var;

Inline Code

When you want to refer to a command or a small piece of code within a sentence, you can use inline code.

this is `inline code`


this is inline code

Librarian uses Prism for code highlighting.


| Title 1 | Title 2 | Title 3 |
| Row 1x1 | Row 1x2 | Row 1x3 |
| Row 2x1 | Row 2x2 | Row 2x3 |
| Row 3x1 | Row 3x2 | Row 3x3 |


Title 1 Title 2 Title 3
Row 1x1 Row 1x2 Row 1x3
Row 2x1 Row 2x2 Row 2x3
Row 3x1 Row 3x2 Row 3x3

Built with Librarian by @erikaheidi.

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